From expressive description logics to multi-variable fragments of first-order logic: Reasoning in finite structures.
Polish National Science Centre grant (OPUS, No. 2021/41/B/ST6/00996, 2022-2025)
Principal investigator: Emanuel Kieronski
This project is a continuation of my previous project ,,A quest for new computer logics''.
The goal is to investigate the decidability and the computational complexity of some expressive description logics and fragments of first-order logic mativated by computer science..
- Bartosz Bednarczyk, Oskar Fiuk:
Presburger Buchi Tree Automata with Applications to Logics with Expressive Counting. WoLLIC 2022.
- Oskar Fiuk, Emanuel Kieronski:
An excursion to the border of decidability: between two- and three-variable logic. LPAR 2023.
- Emanuel Kieronski:
A Uniform One-Dimensional Fragment with Alternation of Quantifiers. GandALF 2023: 1-15
- Oskar Fiuk, Emanuel Kieronski, Vincent Michielini: On the complexity of Maslov's class K. LICS 2024.
- Oskar Fiuk, Emanuel Kieronski, Vincent Michielini: On the complexity of Maslov's class K (Extended Abstract). Description Logic 2024.
- Oskar Fiuk, Emanuel Kieronski: Alternating Quantifiers in Uniform One-Dimensional Fragments with an Excursion into Three-Variable Logic.
Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 21, Issue 1. 2025.