module type ORDERED = sig type t val eq: t -> t -> bool val lt: t -> t -> bool val leq: t -> t -> bool end module type HEAP = sig module Elem: ORDERED type heap val empty: heap val isEmpty: heap -> bool val insert: Elem.t -> heap -> heap val merge: heap -> heap -> heap val findMin: heap -> Elem.t val deleteMin: heap -> heap end module Bootstrap (MakeH: functor (Element:ORDERED) -> HEAP with module Elem = Element) (Element: ORDERED) : HEAP with module Elem = Element = struct module Elem = Element module rec BE : sig type t = E | H of Elem.t * PrimH.heap val eq: t -> t -> bool val lt: t -> t -> bool val leq: t -> t -> bool end = struct type t = E | H of Elem.t * PrimH.heap let leq (H(x, _)) (H(y, _)) = Elem.leq x y let eq (H(x, _)) (H(y, _)) = Elem.eq x y let lt (H(x, _)) (H(y, _)) = x y end and PrimH : HEAP with type Elem.t = BE.t = MakeH(BE) type heap = BE.t let empty = BE.E let isEmpty = function BE.E -> true | _ -> false let rec merge x y = match (x,y) with (BE.E, _) -> y | (_, BE.E) -> x | (BE.H(e1,p1) as h1), (BE.H(e2,p2) as h2) -> if Elem.leq e1 e2 then BE.H(e1, PrimH.insert h2 p1) else BE.H(e2, PrimH.insert h1 p2) let insert x h = merge (BE.H(x, PrimH.empty)) h let findMin = function BE.E -> raise Not_found | BE.H(x, _) -> x let deleteMin = function BE.E -> raise Not_found | BE.H(x, p) -> if PrimH.isEmpty p then BE.E else begin let (BE.H(y, p1)) = PrimH.findMin p in let p2 = PrimH.deleteMin p in BE.H(y, PrimH.merge p1 p2) end end