- Introduction: renderers, timeline, program, literature
- Classical Whitted style ray tracing.
Types of rays: primary, reflected, refracted, shadow
- Ray-object intersection methods for:
implicit surfaces, CSG, triangles, cuboids AABB, parametric
- RJ Segura, FR Feito - "Algorithms to test ray-triangle intersection.
Comparative study"
9th International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer... 2001 wscg.zcu.cz.
- Tomas Moller, Ben Trumbore -
"Fast, minimum storage ray/triangle intersection", 1997
- Acceleration structures: grids, kd-trees, SAH, BVH
- I.Wald,... - "Ray Tracing Animated Scenes using Coherent Grid
Traversal", Siggraph 2006
- I.Wald et al - "State of Art in Ray Tracing Animated Scenes"
Eurographics 2007 (SAH: sect. 5.1.1)
- PhD Theses by I.Wald and V.Havran, literature: 8 i 9
(SAH: pages 57,58 and other)
- P.Leszczyński -
Praca magisterska BVH (pl)
- General acceleration techniques (literature [b2]):
coherence, primary rays, ordering, shadow cache, light buffers,
mailboxing, generalized rays
- Simple enhancement of classical RT (literature [b2]) :
antialiasing, soft shadows, motion blur, depth of field
- Theoretical foundations of light transport
- BRDF models
- Monte Carlo methods: bias, sampling strategies, russian
roulette, sphere and hemisphere unifrom and cosine sampling
- Quasi Monte Carlo: discrepancy, Halton sequence
- Equations for LT using integration over solid angle, area, path space
- Image Synthesis using Monte Carlo: stochastic ray tracing, path
tracing, bidirectional path tracing
- Instant Global Illumination (Keller), VPL, Irradince Cache (Ward)
- Density estimation and Photon Maps
- HDR image formats, Tone Mapping Operators
- Radiosity methods: classical and stochastic radiosity
- Metropolis method, detailed balance
- Lightcuts
- Importance/potential function and GRDF function