Języki programowania - nowe osiągnięcia i trendy
Semestr letni 2013 |
Dariusz Biernacki |
Czwartek 14:15-16:00 |
Sala 5 |
3 ECTS |
Seminarium poświęcone wybranym wynikom dotyczącym
projektowania, teorii i implementacji języków
programowania, zaprezentowanym w ostatnich 10 latach na
wiodących konferencjach z tej dziedziny.
Otwarta lista prac do wyboru:
Aspect-oriented programming. Gregor Kiczales, John
Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina Lopes,
Jean-Marc Loingtier, and John Irwin. ECOOP 2004.
Languages of the future. Tim Sheard. OOPSLA 2004.
Formal certification of a compiler back-end or: Programming
a compiler with a proof assistant. Xavier Leroy. POPL
Multi-return function call. Olin Shivers and
David Fisher. Journal of Functional Programming,
16(4), 2006.
A core calculus for Scala type checking. Vincent
Cremet, Francois Garillot, Serguei Lenglet, and Martin
Odersky. MFCS 2006.
Substructural operational semantics as ordered
logic programming. Frank Pfenning and Robert
J. Simmons. LICS 2009.
Static contract checking for Haskell. Dana N. Xu, Simon
Peyton Jones, and Koen Claessen. POPL 2009.
Coinductive big-step operational semantics . Xavier
Leroy and Herve Grall. Information and Computation 207(2),
pages 284-304, 2009.
Monads in action. Andrzej Filiński. POPL 2010.
Session types as intuitionistic linear propositions. Luís Caires and Frank Pfenning. CONCUR 2010.
HALO: Haskell to logic through denotational semantics.
Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Simon Peyton Jones, Koen Claessen, and Dan Rosén.
POPL 2013.
Composable memory transactions. Tim Harris,
Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Maurice Herlihy. Communications
of the ACM, Vol. 51, No. 8, August 2008.
A theory of platform-dependent low-level
software. Marius Nita, Dan Grossman, and Craig
Chambers. POPL 2013.
Lightweight invariants with full dependent
types. Edwin Brady, Christoph Herrmann, and
Kevin Hammond. TFP 2008.
Subtyping delimited continuations. Marek
Materzok and Dariusz Biernacki. ICFP 2011.
Higher-order functional reactive programming in
bounded space. Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, Nick
Benton Microsoft, and Jan Hoffmann. POPL 2012.
The Type System of Aldor. Erik Poll and
Simon Thompson. Technical Report 11-99, Computing
Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, Kent CT2
7NF, UK, July 1999.
Modeling Erlang in the Pi-calculus. Thomas Noll
and Chanchal Kumar Roy. ERLANG 2005.
Data |
Temat |
Literatura |
Prelegent |
21.02.2013 |
Spotkanie organizacyjne |
28.02.2013 |
Nowy dowód silnej normalizacji systemu F-bounded |
Piotr Polesiuk |
07.03.2013 |
Praktyczne zastosowania typów
zależnych na przykładzie języka Idris
[14] |
Wojciech Jedynak |
14.03.2013 |
Software transactional memory |
[12] |
Łukasz Dąbek |
21.03.2013 |
A theory of platform-dependent low-Level software |
[13] |
Damian Bogel |
28.03.2013 |
Przerwa wielkanocna - seminarium odwołane |
04.04.2013 |
Aspect-oriented programming |
[1] |
Marcin Grzywaczewski |
11.04.2013 |
Languages of the future |
[2] |
Maciej Jaromin |
18.04.2013 |
Static contract checking for Haskell |
[7] |
Marek Imiełowski |
25.04.2013 |
HALO: Haskell to logic through
denotational semantics |
[11] |
Marcin Januszkiewicz |
16.05.2013 |
Modeling Erlang in the Pi-calculus |
[18] |
Piotr Krzemiński |
23.05.2013 |
Higher-order functional reactive
programming in bounded space |
[16] |
Paweł Murias |
29.05.2013 |
FriCAS: Typy w systemach algebry obliczeniowej |
[17] |
Krystian Bacławski |
07.06.2013, godz. 12:15 |
Subtyping delimited continuations |
[15] |
Marek Materzok |
13.06.2013 |
Podsumowanie |