Skrypt przedstawia przykładową implementację algorytmu Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) z operatorem PMX i jego zastosowanie do rozwiązywania problemu komiwojażera (ang. Travelling Salesman Problem, TSP). Popularne instancje problemu TSP można znaleźć w bibliotece TSPLib [1]. Skrypt skupia się na rozwiązywaniu instancji BERLIN52, w celu rozwiązywania innych instancji może okazać się konieczna zmiana ustawień parametrów algorytmu, a może też i operatorów ewolucyjnych.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
%matplotlib inline
n = 52
print('Problem size: %d' % n)
coords = np.array([565.0, 575.0, 25.0, 185.0, 345.0, 750.0, 945.0, 685.0, 845.0, 655.0, 880.0, 660.0, 25.0, 230.0, 525.0, 1000.0, 580.0, 1175.0, 650.0, 1130.0, 1605.0, 620.0, 1220.0, 580.0, 1465.0, 200.0, 1530.0, 5.0, 845.0, 680.0, 725.0, 370.0, 145.0, 665.0, 415.0, 635.0, 510.0, 875.0, 560.0, 365.0, 300.0, 465.0, 520.0, 585.0, 480.0, 415.0, 835.0, 625.0, 975.0, 580.0, 1215.0, 245.0, 1320.0, 315.0, 1250.0, 400.0, 660.0, 180.0, 410.0, 250.0, 420.0, 555.0, 575.0, 665.0, 1150.0, 1160.0, 700.0, 580.0, 685.0, 595.0, 685.0, 610.0, 770.0, 610.0, 795.0, 645.0, 720.0, 635.0, 760.0, 650.0, 475.0, 960.0, 95.0, 260.0, 875.0, 920.0, 700.0, 500.0, 555.0, 815.0, 830.0, 485.0, 1170.0, 65.0, 830.0, 610.0, 605.0, 625.0, 595.0, 360.0, 1340.0, 725.0, 1740.0, 245.0])
coords = coords.reshape(n, 2)
A = np.empty((n, n))
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
A[i, j] = np.sqrt(((coords[i, :] - coords[j, :])**2).sum())
print('Distance matrix:\n', A)
p = [0, 48, 31, 44, 18, 40, 7, 8, 9, 42, 32, 50, 10, 51, 13, 12, 46, 25, 26, 27, 11, 24, 3, 5, 14, 4, 23, 47, 37, 36, 39, 38, 35, 34, 33, 43, 45, 15, 28, 49, 19, 22, 29, 1, 6, 41, 20, 16, 2, 17, 30, 21]
print('Optimal solution:\n', p)
plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], 'o')
for i in range(n):
plt.text(coords[i, 0]+8, coords[i, 1]+8, str(i), fontdict={'weight':'bold', 'size':8})
plt.title('Berlin52 - problem definition')
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
route = p
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], 'o')
for i in range(n):
plt.text(coords[i, 0]+8, coords[i, 1]+8, str(i), fontdict={'weight':'bold', 'size':8})
[coords[0, 0], coords[route[0], 0]],
[coords[0, 1], coords[route[0], 1]],
linewidth=1, color='gray'))
plt.text((coords[0, 0] + coords[route[0], 0])/2 + 6,
(coords[0, 1] + coords[route[0], 1])/2 + 6,
'%d' % A[0, route[0]], fontdict={'weight':'normal', 'size':7})
for i in range(1, len(route)):
[coords[route[i-1], 0], coords[route[i], 0]],
[coords[route[i-1], 1], coords[route[i], 1]],
linewidth=1, color='gray'))
plt.text((coords[route[i-1], 0] + coords[route[i], 0])/2 + 6,
(coords[route[i-1], 1] + coords[route[i], 1])/2 + 6,
'%d' % A[route[i-1], route[i]], fontdict={'weight':'normal', 'size':7})
[coords[route[-1], 0], coords[0, 0]],
[coords[route[-1], 1], coords[0, 1]],
linewidth=1, color='gray'))
plt.text((coords[route[-1], 0] + coords[0, 0])/2 + 6,
(coords[route[-1], 1] + coords[0, 1])/2 + 6,
'%d' % A[route[-1], 0], fontdict={'weight':'normal', 'size':7})
plt.title('Berlin52 - optimal solution')
def tsp_objective_function(p):
s = 0.0
for i in range(n):
s += A[p[i-1], p[i]]
return s
print(tsp_objective_function(p), p)
t0 = time.time()
T = 1000000
permutations = np.empty((T, n), dtype=np.int64)
costs = np.zeros(T)
for i in range(T):
permutations[i, :] = np.random.permutation(n)
costs[i] = tsp_objective_function(permutations[i, :])
print(time.time() - t0)
p = permutations[costs.argmin(), :]
print(tsp_objective_function(p), p)
plt.hist(costs, bins=100)
print(costs.mean(), costs.std())
def random_neighbor(p, radius):
q = p.copy()
for r in range(radius):
i, j = np.random.choice(n, 2, replace=False)
q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
return q
T = 500000
radius = 1
alpha = 1.0
t0 = time.time()
p = np.random.permutation(n)
p_cost = tsp_objective_function(p)
costs = np.zeros(T)
for t in range(T):
q = random_neighbor(p, radius)
q_cost = tsp_objective_function(q)
if(q_cost < p_cost):
p, p_cost = q, q_cost
elif(np.random.rand() < np.exp(- alpha * (q_cost - p_cost) * t/T)):
p, p_cost = q, q_cost
costs[t] = p_cost
print(time.time() - t0, costs.min())
def PMX(ind1, ind2):
return ind1, ind2
def reverse_sequence_mutation(p):
a = np.random.choice(len(p), 2, False)
i, j = a.min(), a.max()
q = p.copy()
q[i:j+1] = q[i:j+1][::-1]
return q
population_size = 500
chromosome_length = n
number_of_offspring = population_size
crossover_probability = 0.95
mutation_probability = 0.25
number_of_iterations = 250
time0 = time.time()
best_objective_value = np.Inf
best_chromosome = np.zeros((1, chromosome_length))
# generating an initial population
current_population = np.zeros((population_size, chromosome_length), dtype=np.int64)
for i in range(population_size):
current_population[i, :] = np.random.permutation(chromosome_length)
# evaluating the objective function on the current population
objective_values = np.zeros(population_size)
for i in range(population_size):
objective_values[i] = tsp_objective_function(current_population[i, :])
for t in range(number_of_iterations):
# selecting the parent indices by the roulette wheel method
fitness_values = objective_values.max() - objective_values
if fitness_values.sum() > 0:
fitness_values = fitness_values / fitness_values.sum()
fitness_values = np.ones(population_size) / population_size
parent_indices = np.random.choice(population_size, number_of_offspring, True, fitness_values).astype(np.int64)
# creating the children population
children_population = np.zeros((number_of_offspring, chromosome_length), dtype=np.int64)
for i in range(int(number_of_offspring/2)):
if np.random.random() < crossover_probability:
children_population[2*i, :], children_population[2*i+1, :] = PMX(current_population[parent_indices[2*i], :].copy(), current_population[parent_indices[2*i+1], :].copy())
children_population[2*i, :], children_population[2*i+1, :] = current_population[parent_indices[2*i], :].copy(), current_population[parent_indices[2*i+1]].copy()
if np.mod(number_of_offspring, 2) == 1:
children_population[-1, :] = current_population[parent_indices[-1], :]
# mutating the children population
for i in range(number_of_offspring):
if np.random.random() < mutation_probability:
children_population[i, :] = reverse_sequence_mutation(children_population[i, :])
# evaluating the objective function on the children population
children_objective_values = np.zeros(number_of_offspring)
for i in range(number_of_offspring):
children_objective_values[i] = tsp_objective_function(children_population[i, :])
# replacing the current population by (Mu + Lambda) Replacement
objective_values = np.hstack([objective_values, children_objective_values])
current_population = np.vstack([current_population, children_population])
I = np.argsort(objective_values)
current_population = current_population[I[:population_size], :]
objective_values = objective_values[I[:population_size]]
# recording some statistics
if best_objective_value < objective_values[0]:
best_objective_value = objective_values[0]
best_chromosome = current_population[0, :]
print('%3d %14.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f' % (t, time.time() - time0, objective_values.min(), objective_values.mean(), objective_values.max(), objective_values.std()))