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Bézier form of dual bivariate Bernstein polynomials
(with Pawe³ Keller
and Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Advances in Computational Mathematics 43 (2017), 777-793
Constrained approximation of rational triangular Bézier surfaces by polynomial triangular
Bézier surfaces
(with Pawe³ Keller
and Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Numerical Algorithms 75 (2017), 93-111
Degree reduction of composite Bézier curves
(with Przemys³aw Gospodarczyk
and Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Applied Mathematics and Computation 293 (2017), 40-48
G^{k,l}-constrained multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves
Przemys³aw Gospodarczyk
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Numerical Algorithms 71 (2016), 121-137 [doi]
Efficient merging of multiple segments of Bézier curves
Pawe³ Wo¼ny
Przemys³aw Gospodarczyk),
Applied Mathematics and Computation 268 (2015), 354-363
Weighted polynomial approximation of rational Bézier curves
Pawe³ Wo¼ny
Pawe³ Keller),
techn. report, Feb. 2015 [arXiv]
Structure relations for the bivariate big q-Jacobi polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny and
Rafa³ Nowak),
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (2013), 8790-8802
Polynomial approximation of rational Bézier curves with constraints
Pawe³ Wo¼ny
and Pawe³ Keller),
Numerical Algorithms 59 (2012), 607-622
one can find Maple 8.0 implementation of Algorithm 4.2
Bézier representation of the constrained dual Bernstein polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2011), 4580-4586
Multi-degree reduction of tensor product Bézier surfaces with general boundary constrains
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2011), 4596-4611
* Maple 8.0 worksheets containing
implementation of Algorithm 4.4
the illustrative material of Section 5
Two-variable orthogonal polynomials of big q-Jacobi type
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 233 (2010), 1554-1561 [doi]
Constrained multi-degree reduction of triangular Bézier surfaces using dual Bernstein polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235 (2010), 785-804 [doi]
* Maple 8.0 worksheets containing
implementation of Algorithm 4.7
the illustrative material of Section 5
Multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves with constraints, using dual Bernstein basis polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Computer Aided Geometric Design 26 (2009), 566-579 [doi]
Multivariate generalized Bernstein polynomials. Identities for orthogonal polynomials
of two variables (with
Pawe³ Wo¼ny, Iván Area and
Eduardo Godoy),
Numerical Algorithms 49 (2008), 199-220 [doi]
Connections between two-variable Bernstein and Jacobi polynomials on the triangle
(with Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 197 (2006), 520-533
Dual generalized Bernstein basis
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Journal of Approximation Theory 138 (2006), 129-150 [doi]
Generalized Bernstein polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
BIT Numerical Mathematics 44 (2004), 63-78 [doi]
corrected and extended version (May 2009)
Formulae relating little q-Jacobi,
q-Hahn and q-Bernstein polynomials:
Application to the q-Bézier curve evaluation
Iván Area,
Eduardo Godoy,
Pawe³ Wo¼ny
and André Ronveaux),
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 15 (2004), 375-385
Recurrence relations for the coefficients in series expansions
with respect to semi-classical orthogonal polynomials
Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
Numerical Algorithms 35 (2004), 61-79
Construction of recurrences for the coefficients
of expansions in q-classical orthogonal polynomials,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 153 (2003), 295-309
Representations for the first associated q-classical
orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 150 (2003), 311-327
The hypergeometric functions approach to the connection problem
for the classical orthogonal polynomials, techn. report, Inst. of Computer Sci., Univ. of Wroclaw,
Feb. 1998, rev. Aug. 2003
Recurrences for the coefficients of series expansions
with respect to classical orthogonal polynomials,
Applicationes Mathematicae 29 (2002), 97-116
Representations for the parameter derivatives
of the classical orthogonal polynomials,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Ser. II, Suppl. 68 (2002),
Algorithms for construction of recurrence relations for the coefficients
of expansions in series of classical orthogonal polynomials
(with Pawe³ Wo¼ny),
techn. report, Inst. of Computer Sci., Univ. of Wroc³aw,
Feb. 2001
* Maple procedures:
Recursion formulae for basic hypergeometric functions,
in Numerical Analysis in the 20th Century,
Vol. I: Approximation Theory, eds. Jet Wimp and Luc Wuytack,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 121 (2000), 297-312
Recurrence relations for the coefficients of the Fourier series
expansions with respect to q-classical
orthogonal polynomials (with
Eduardo Godoy, Iván Area,
André Ronveaux and Alejandro Zarzo),
Numerical Algorithms 23 (2000), 31-50
Recurrence relations for the connection coefficients
of orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable
on the lattice x(s)=q^(2s),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 99 (1998), 275-286
On the fourth-order difference equation
for the associated Meixner polynomials,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 80 (1997), 351-358
Linearization of product of classical orthogonal polynomials
of a discrete variable
(with Said Belmehdi and André Ronveaux), Applicationes Mathematicae 24 (1997), 445-455
Generalized Watson's summation formula for 3F2(1),
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 86 (1997), 375-386
Recurrence relations for the connection
coefficients of the orthogonal polynomials
of a discrete variable,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 76 (1996), 213-229
Second-order recurrence relation for the linearization
coefficients of classical orthogonal polynomials,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 69 (1996), 159-170
Results on the associated classical orthogonal
polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 65 (1995),
Constructing recurrence relations
for the Jacobi coefficients, using Maple
(with Jerzy Witkowski),
techn. report, Inst. of Computer Sci., Univ. of Wroc³aw,
Feb. 1995
* Maple procedure
(last modif. in Feb. 2000)
An analytic method for convergence
acceleration of certain hypergeometric series
(with Stefan Paszkowski),
Mathematics of Computation 64 (1995), 691-713
A simple approach to the summation of certain
slowly convergent series, Mathematics of Computation
63 (1994), 741-745
A fast algorithm for the construction of recurrence
relations for modified moments, Applicationes Mathematicae
22 (1994), 359-372
Results on the associated Jacobi and
Gegenbauer polynomials,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 49 (1993), 137-144
Error bounds for a near minimax
polynomial approximation, BIT 33 (1993), 151-157
Quick construction of recurrence relations for
the Jacobi coefficients,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 42 (1992), 355-372
Evaluation of Bessel function integrals with algebraic singularities,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 37 (1991), 101-112
A new approach to the problem of constructing
recurrence relations for the Jacobi coefficients,
Applicationes Mathematicae 21 (1991), 303-326
Properties of the polynomials associated with the Jacobi
polynomials, Mathematics of Computation 47 (1986),
669-682 [Abstract]
Recurrence relations for the coefficients in Jacobi series
solutions of linear differential equations, SIAM Journal of
Mathematical Analysis 17 (1986), 1037-1052
Recurrence relations for modified moments,
Rev. Técn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia 8 (1985), 49-60
On the differential-difference properties of the extended
Jacobi polynomials, Mathematics of Computation 44 (1985),
435-441 [Abstract]
Recurrence relations for hypergeometric functions of unit
argument, Mathematics of Computation 45 (1985), 521-535;
corr. ibid. 48 (1987), 853
Applications of modified moments in the numerical solution of
the Abel integral equation, Applicationes Mathematicae 18
(1984), 311-317
Construction of the lowest order recurrence relation for the
Jacobi coefficients, Applicationes Mathematicae 17 (1983),
Some polynomial projections with finite carrier, Journal of
Approximation Theory 34 (1982), 249-263
Construction of a recurrence relation for modified moments,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 (1979),
Properties of some polynomial projections, Journal of Approximation
Theory 27 (1979), 313-328
Minimalne operatory rzutowe, Roczniki PTM. Seria III: Matematyka
Stosowana 15 (1979), 25-46
A projection connected with the Fourier-Chebyshev operator,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 26
(1978), 727-732
Construction of a recurrence relation of the lowest order for
coefficients of the Gegenbauer series, Applicationes Mathematicae
15 (1976), 345-396
Solving boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation by
the method of summary representation. Algorithm 48,
Applicationes Mathematicae 15 (1976), 397-413
Solution of a first-order nonlinear differential equation in
Chebyshev series. Algorithm 47, Applicationes Mathematicae 15
(1976), 251-269
Solving systems of linear equations by Sokolov's method.
Algorithm 29, Applicationes Mathematicae
14 (1974), 127-135
Application of numerical methods for multipole description of
the electrical field of the heart
(with Józef Jagielski and Jan Mozrzymas),
Control and Cybernetics
3 (1974), 37-49
A method for determining optical constants of thin films
(with Ewa Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas and Jan Mozrzymas),
Acta Physica Polonica A41 (1972), 251-257
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