Piotr Lipinski

Computational Intelligence Research Group, Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw

Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw, ul. Joliot-Curie 15, 50-383 Wrocław, Poland, Room 203, Email: lipinski@ii.uni.wroc.pl

Graph Neural Networks Seminar

Schedule of the Seminar:

Introduction to Graph Neural Networks (Jadwiga Świerczyńska, October 14, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks for Node Classification (Mateusz Biłyk, October 14, 2024)

The Expressive Power of Graph Neural Networks (Mikołaj Hasik, October 21, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks: Graph Classification (Denys Tsebulia, October 28, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks: Link Prediction (Jakub Skalski, October 28, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks: Graph Transformation (Mafalda Bastos da Costa, November 4, 2024)

GNN-based Biomedical Knowledge Graph Mining in Drug Development (Maksymilian Perduta, November 4, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks: Graph Generation (Mariana Costa Osiecka de Carvalho, November 18, 2024)

GNNExplainer and Interpretability in Graph Neural Networks (Łukasz Halama, November 18, 2024)

Graph Neural Networks in Urban Intelligence (Szymon Kiczak, November 25, 2024)

TBA (Karol Ochman-Milarski, November 25, 2024)

Additional Materials:

Understanding Variational Autoencoders [LINK]