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Emacs.Texmacs-highlight History

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Changed lines 3-4 from:
[[highlight.ts]] is a TeXmacs style file for displaying syntax-highlighted code generated by [[Attach:prepare-highlight.el | highlight]]. After adding the style to your document, paste the prepared selection via "Paste from LaTeX".
[[Attach:highlight.ts]] is a TeXmacs style file for displaying syntax-highlighted code generated by [[Attach:prepare-highlight.el | highlight]]. After adding the style to your document, paste the prepared selection via "Paste from LaTeX".
November 22, 2012, at 02:35 PM by lukstafi - texmacs-highlight
Added lines 1-5:
[[Attach:prepare-highlight.el]] is an Emacs command to syntax-highlight a selection and copy it to clipboard. Syntax-highlighting is done by the @@highlight@@ command and encoded in latex-like markup.

[[highlight.ts]] is a TeXmacs style file for displaying syntax-highlighted code generated by [[Attach:prepare-highlight.el | highlight]]. After adding the style to your document, paste the prepared selection via "Paste from LaTeX".

[[Attach:my-init-texmacs.scm]] contains a key binding for "Paste from LaTeX".
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Page last modified on November 22, 2012, at 02:37 PM