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Systemy Inteligentnych Agentów

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Agents.Agents History

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Deleted lines 54-55:
!!!!!! Paul Richmond [[ | Java Boids]] (fajna grafika)
Added lines 100-103:
!!! Kontrola zespołu robotów, przydzielanie zadań

[[ | UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) DECISION AND CONTROL SYSTEM]]

June 16, 2007, at 04:55 PM by lukstafi - epidemics
Added lines 98-99:
[[| IBM hopes to STEM emerging disease spread with OSS epidemic modeler]] By John Timmer for Ars Technica
April 12, 2007, at 04:06 AM by lukstafi - architektury hybrydowe
Changed lines 21-22 from:
* [[ | G53DIA Designing Intelligent Agents]]
April 12, 2007, at 03:41 AM by lukstafi - architektura ag. link
Changed lines 19-20 from:
* [[]]
* [[ | A Survey of Cognitive and Agent Architectures
Added lines 35-38:
!!!! RoboCup


Changed lines 13-14 from:
!!! OpenSteer
!!!! OpenSteer
Added lines 17-20:
!!! Architektura agentów


Added lines 92-98:
!! Robotyka

!!! RoboCup


Added lines 88-91:
!! Mobilni agenci, internet

Kurs D. Grimshaw [[]]

Deleted lines 54-55:
!!!!!! [[ | Boids in Chamonix]]
Changed lines 4-30 from:
[[ | Examining the Society of Mind]]

!! Sztuczna Inteligencja: inteligentni agenci

!!! Podstawowe zachowania

[[ | Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters by Craig Reynolds]]

!!! OpenSteer

[[ | Dokumentacja]] oraz [[ | Download]].

!!! ...w grach komputerowych

W grach często mamy do czynienia z bardzo wieloma agentami / aktorami.

* [[ | Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI]]

* [[ | The Quake III Arena Bot]]

!!!! Massively Multiplayer Online Games

* np. [[]]

* [[ | Writing low-pain massively scalable multiplayer servers]]

Added lines 33-34:
[[''Individual-Based Models'' an annotated list of links by Craig Reynolds |]]
Deleted lines 89-98:
!! Sztuczna Inteligencja: inteligentni agenci

!!! ...w grach komputerowych

W grach często mamy do czynienia z bardzo wieloma agentami / aktorami.

* [[ | Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI]]

* [[ | The Quake III Arena Bot]]

Added lines 1-4:
--> What magical trick makes us intelligent?  The trick is that there is no trick. The power of intelligence stems from our vast diversity, not from any single, perfect principle. Our species has evolved many effective although imperfect methods, and each of us individually develops more on our own. Eventually, very few of our actions and decisions come to depend on any single mechanism. Instead, they emerge from conflicts and negotiations among societies of processes that constantly challenge one another.
Marvin Minsky, from ''The Society of Mind''

Changed line 75 from:
* [[ | EXCALIBUR]]: Adaptive Constraint-Based Agents in Artificial Environments
* [[ | EXCALIBUR]]: Adaptive Constraint-Based Agents in Artificial Environments (obecnie na [[]])
Changed lines 86-88 from:
* [[]]: programowanie agentów w Logo
* [[]]: podobnie, dostępne źródła, obecnie zaimplementowany w Javie

Changed lines 50-51 from:
!!! Symulacje społeczne
!!! Symulacje społeczne i środowiskowe
Added lines 56-57:
[[ | Dynamika ewolucji]]
Added lines 48-49:
Symulacja ruchu pieszych [[]]
Changed lines 9-12 from:
!!!! Symulatory, animacja komputerowa

!!!! '''Boids''' Craig Reynolds
!!!! '''Boids''' Craig Reynolds
Changed lines 32-33 from:
!!!!! ''Massive'': Massive (Multiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment) is a high-end computer animation and artificial intelligence software package used for generating crowd-related visual effects for film and television.
!!!! Animacja komputerowa

''Massive'': Massive (Multiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment) is a high-end computer animation and artificial intelligence software package used for generating crowd-related visual effects for film and television.
Added lines 38-41:
[[ | BlenderPeople]]: skrypty Crowd Dynamics do Blendera.

[[ | Crowd IT]]: narzędzie Crowd Choreography do 3d studio Max (3dMax).

Changed lines 9-10 from:
!!!! Symulatory
!!!! Symulatory, animacja komputerowa
Changed lines 15-18 from:
!!!!! Paul Richmond [[ | Java Boids]] (fajna grafika)

!!!!! Michael Lalena
!!!!!! Paul Richmond [[ | Java Boids]] (fajna grafika)

!!!!!! Michael Lalena
Changed lines 25-28 from:
!!!!! [[ | Boids in Chamonix]]

!!!!! Conrad Parker
!!!!!! [[ | Boids in Chamonix]]

!!!!!! Conrad Parker
Added lines 33-37:

!!!!! ''Massive'': Massive (Multiple Agent Simulation System in Virtual Environment) is a high-end computer animation and artificial intelligence software package used for generating crowd-related visual effects for film and television.

[[ | Massive na Wikipedii]], [[ | strona oficjalna]].

Added line 59:
* [[ | Jadex]] reasoning engine follows the Belief Desire Intention (BDI) model and facilitates easy intelligent agent construction. It allows for programming intelligent software agents in XML and Java and can be deployed on different kinds of middleware such as JADE.
Added lines 45-54:
!! Sztuczna Inteligencja: inteligentni agenci

!!! ...w grach komputerowych

W grach często mamy do czynienia z bardzo wieloma agentami / aktorami.

* [[ | Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI]]

* [[ | The Quake III Arena Bot]]

Added line 61:
* [[ | EXCALIBUR]]: Adaptive Constraint-Based Agents in Artificial Environments
Changed lines 71-75 from:
* [[ | TRADENT]] A Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange
* [[ | TRADENT]] A Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange

!! Inne linkownie

Added lines 43-44:
[[ | Agent-based Computational Economics]]
Added lines 45-46:
Roadmap: [[]]
Added line 58:
* [[ | TRADENT]] A Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange
Added lines 15-16:
!!!!! Paul Richmond [[ | Java Boids]] (fajna grafika)
Added lines 25-32:
!!!!! [[ | Boids in Chamonix]]

!!!!! Conrad Parker


[[ | Pseudokod]] dla Boids.

Added lines 11-14:
!!!!! '''Boids''' Craig Reynolds

[[ | Boids]] "oficjalna strona", mnóstwo informacji i linków.

Added lines 23-32:
!!! Wirtualna rzeczywistość

[[ | FreeWalk]]: wirtualne miasto. Scenariusz symulacji pisze się w języku Q.

[[ | US Airforce Theater Simulator]]

!!! Symulacje społeczne


Added lines 43-45:
* [[ | SeSAm]], zachowania zadaje się przy pomocy diagramów a la UML
* [[]] ''TuCSoN is an agent-oriented coordination infrastructure, providing first class programmable services for enabling agent interaction and coordination''.
* [[ | SPADES]] middleware: koordynuje agentów (napisanych w dowolnym języku programowania)
Added line 21:
* [[ | Repast]] Java, .NET i Python, podobny do Swarm "ale lepszy"
Changed lines 27-28 from:
* [[]]
* [[ | MadKit]] is a modular and scalable multiagent platform written in Java and built upon the AGR (Agent/Group/Role) organizational model. Agents in MadKit may be programmed in Java, Scheme (Kawa), Jess (rule based engine) or BeanShell.
* [[ | Swarm
Added lines 7-8:
Prezentacja: Knut Hartman [[(]].
Added lines 19-26:
!! Agent Systems Frameworks

* [[ | AgentService]]: C#
* [[(]]: biblioteka mobilnych agentów w Javie
* [[]] ''Brahms is a data driven (forward chaining) discrete event environment usable for simulation purposes as well as for agent-based software solutions requiring the use of intelligent agents''.
* [[(http://www.)]] Cognitive Agent Architecture (Cougaar) Open Source Project: Java, ''rapid, large scale, distributed logistics planning and replanning''
* [[ | Jason]]: a Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak
* [[]]
Added lines 3-4:
Wiki poświęcone w szczególności pakietowi ''Swarm'' a w ogólności Agent-based Modeling: [[]]
Added lines 7-16:
!!!! Symulatory

!!!!! Michael Lalena

Strona dotycząca zachowań stadnych ptaków: [[]]

Między innymi [[ | symulator ptaków z drapieżnikami]] i [[ | kosmiczna strzelanka]].

Gromadzenie pokarmu przez mrówki, przykład zastosowania Programowania Genetycznego do znalezienia programów dla agentów: [[]] (program w .NET).

Changed lines 1-2 from:
!! Modelowanie / symulacje w oparciu o systemy agentów
!! Modelowanie / symulacje w oparciu o systemy agentów
Added lines 1-4:
!! Modelowanie / symulacje w oparciu o systemy agentów

!!! Zachowania stadne

January 26, 2007, at 02:02 PM by -
Deleted line 0:
Here be dragons.
January 21, 2007, at 09:44 PM by -
Added line 1:
Here be dragons.
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Page last modified on September 02, 2007, at 11:45 AM