26 listopada 2019 14:15
Seminarium ZMN: W. Rachowicz (PK) o ,,Rozwiązywaniu zadań fizyki obliczeniowej oraz adaptacyjnej metodzie elementów skończonych i kontroli błędu''
Nna kolejnym seminarium Zakładu Metod Numerycznych (26 listopada, godz. 14.15, s. 237) prof. Waldemar Rachowicz (PK) przedstawi referat pt. ,,Rozwiązywanie zadań fizyki obliczeniowej. Adaptacyjna metoda elementów skończonych i kontrola błędu''.
Abstract. The seminar presents application of finite element method to solving selected problems of computational physics. A common feature of the simulations is using of a posteriori error estimation and mesh adaptation (of the h-, p-, and hp types). Mesh adaptation is usefull especially in the case of problems with essentially irregular solutions charactrized by large gradients, singularities, and boundary or internal layers.
The adaptive procedure is understood as refining of the approximation grid in the zones of substantial error to obtain an accurate solution with a relatively small computational effort. We consider both, error estimation and adaptivity in the sense of a global norm, and in the goal-oriented version, i.e. focused on accuracy of selected parametrs of the solution.
The illustrating problems include linear and nonlinear solid mechanics (with the phenomena of contact, plasticity and strong anisotropy), compressible and incompressible viscous flows, electromagnetics and acoustics, and inverse scattering problems in eletromagnetics.