The Doctoral School regulations: pdf-Polish, pdf-English

Useful information for foreign students at University of Wrocław: link

Resolution no. 146/2022 of the Senate of the University of Wrocław of 21 December 2022 on the rules of recruitment to the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław for the programmes beginning in the academic year 2023/2024 (link)

Ordinance concerning the introduction of the Procedure of registration in the system of the Internet Registration of Candidates (IRK), the Internet Registration of Foreigners (IRC) and the organisation of the recruitment process (link)

Resolution no. 145/2022 of the Senate of the University of Wrocław of 21 December 2022 changing the resolution on study programmes at the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław for education cycles beginning in the academic year 2021/2022 and later (link)

Declaration of the candidate for the Doctoral School (link)

Registration: from June 1, 2022 to June 22, 2023 (until 10:00 a.m.) through the IRKa system.

Oral qualifying exam on June 27 and 28, 2023 from 10:00 a.m.


The list of potential advisors at the Institute of Computer Science and their research interests:

  • Dariusz Biernacki (home, scholar, dblp) My research centers on the formal semantics of functional languages in general, and in particular on abstract machines, continuations, type-and-effect systems for computational effects, and on inductive and coinductive methods for reasoning about programs.
  • Marcin Bieńkowski (home, scholar, dblp) I am broadly interested in online algorithms, from a theory viewpoint but with a special focus on applications in networking and operations research. I have been working on server problems, file migration, buffer management techniques, packet scheduling and supply-chain management algorithms. I am also interested in computer-aided design of online algorithms and lower bounds.
  • Jarosław Byrka (home, scholar, dblp) My research concentrates on approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. Among the topics that I plan to study in the following years are: capacitated k-median, inventory routing problem, and connectivity augmentation.
  • Witold Charatonik (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested in broadly understood logic in computer science. I used to work on constraint systems (mainly set constraints), program analysis (mainly set-based analysis), automata theory (mainly automata on finite trees), process calculi (mainly ambient calculus), finite model theory (mainly two-variable logics), and recently on semantics of functional languages (mainly abstract machines).
  • Jan Chorowski (home, scholar, dblp) I work on applications of Neural Networks and Deep Learning, for speech processing, NLP, and logistics (currently on a leave)
  • Paweł Gawrychowski (home, scholar, dblp) I'm interested in designing and analysing efficient algorithms and data structures. In the past, I have been working on problems related to strings (searching and indexing texts, particularly compressed texts), trees (computing distances between trees) and planar graphs (distance oracles). More recently, I have been looking into some questions in the area of fine-grained complexity (showing that some problems probably don't have an efficient algorithm), distributed labeling schemes (how to scatter information about the input graph so that a query can be answered ""locally""), and query complexity (for connectivity problems, such as edge connectivity).
  • Artur Jeż (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested in topics related to word equations (in ``normal'' words, but also other semigroups and groups), word combinatorics and algorithms, grammar compression (for strings but also for trees); mostly in those that are at the intersection of the aforementioned and in some related problems. I used to be also interested in formal languages and automata theory.
  • Łukasz Jeż, PhD (home, scholar, dblp) My work focuses on online algorithms (and competitive analysis), particularly those related to scheduling. In the near future I am planning to look into Online Matching and Ad Allocation problems (see I am also generally interested in the theory of algorithms and to a lesser extent in game theory. However, as a prospective student, keep in mind that the further your interests lie from mine, the more ready you should be to work independently. Also, for full disclosure: I have not advised any students yet.
  • Tomasz Jurdzinski (home, scholar, dblp) My main research interest is mainly in distributed computing, distributed and parallel algorithms. I am interested in algorithmic aspects of wireless networks as well as parallelism inherent in modern large scale computation (processing of big data). In particular, it includes algorithm design and lower bounds in such models as radio networks, congested clique, MPC (massively parallel computation), or the graph computation in the CONGEST model. I also used to work in automata and formal languages.
  • Emanuel Kieroński (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested in decidability and complexity of fragments of first-order logic (two-variable logic, guarded fragment, unary negation fragment, modal and description logics) motivated by computer science.
  • Piotr Lipiński (home, scholar, My research interests focus on computational intelligence, particularly evolutionary algorithms, data mining and machine learning, especially in the context of complex multi-dimensional data processing. My recent work concerns evolutionary algorithms with dimensionality reduction for multi-dimensional optimization problems, classification and prediction of irregular ultra-high frequency financial time series, evolutionary optimization for improving water demand forecasting, and trend prediction for improving recommender systems.
  • Krzysztof Loryś (scholar, dblp)
  • Jerzy Marcinkowski (scholar, dblp)
  • Jakub Michaliszyn (home, scholar, dblp), I am working on automatic verification, using methods such as machine learning, automata, abstraction and logic.
  • Jan Otop (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested broadly in automata theory and related topics such as games, MDPs, VASS, etc and their applications. Specifically, I work on the quantitative approach to automata theory (i.e. automata returning values), the probabilistic approach (automata under probabilistic semantics), and the combination of thereof. Recently, I started research on learning in the automata framework. I used to work on logic in computer science and automated reasoning.
  • Katarzyna Paluch (home, scholar, dblp) I am broadly interested in combinatorial optimisation and discrete maths. More specifically, my research so far has been on algorithms for traveling salesman problems, matchings, matchings with preferences (like stable, rank-maximal) and rectangle tiling. In the near future I plan to continue the investigation of traveling salesman problems and matchings but also intend to branch out into other graph and geometric problems.
  • Marek Piotrów (home, scholar, dblp)
  • Przemysław Uznański, dr. (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested in constructing efficient algorithms for processing big data sets. More specifically, I am interested in exploiting inherent parallelism appearing in many problems for constructing efficient algorithms. This applies not only to parallel computation, but to classical centralised computation, and other models like streaming processing, or massively parallel computation. In my work I use not only algorithmical techniques, but also algebra and linear algebra extensively, as well as probabilistic analysis and high-dimensional geometry. I am also interested in proving lower-bounds and showing limitations to techniques.
  • Paweł Woźny (home, scholar, dblp) I am interested in numerical analysis, computational mathematics, algorithms for curves and surfaces, mathematical methods in computer graphics, approximation theory, convergence acceleration, theory and applications of orthogonal polynomials, special functions and dual bases, as well as computer algebra (symbolic computation).

Additionally, it is possible to be advised by scientific employees from the Institute of Mathematics.

The list of defended PhD thesis, their topics and reviews

The list is on the Faculty webpage.