19 października 2022 21:45

We wtorek 25 października o godzinie 18 w sali 25 odbędzie się wykład Marcina Sawickiego z firmy Jane Street: FPGAs, OCaml, and Hardcaml at Jane Street. Po wykładzie zapraszamy na Estimathon - drużynowe zawody, o których organizatorzy piszą tak: Estimathon — a team-based contest that combines trivia, game theory and mathematical thinking. Teams will have 30 minutes to solve 13 estimation problems.

Rejestracja obowiązkowa

Streszczenie wykładu

Most integrated circuits have their internal layout hardwired at the time of manufacturing. But, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) can be programmed and reprogrammed by the end customer, making it possible to create special-purpose chips at a tiny fraction of the cost — In this talk, Sawicki will discuss how FPGAs are built and programmed, why Jane Street is interested in these tools, and how Hardcaml can be used for designing and simulating hardware circuits.

Speaker’s bio

Marcin Sawicki graduated from Warsaw University with a Masters’ degrees in mathematics in 2001 and informatics in 2002. Sawicki is a former competitive programmer, participant of Polish and International Olympiad in Informatics and a twice ACM ICPC finalist.