28 stycznia 2023 14:49

Zapraszamy na publiczną obronę pracy doktorskiej Filipa Chudego pt. New algorithms for Bernstein polynomials, their dual bases, and B-spline functions która odbędzie się w piątek, 3 lutego, o godz. 14.15, w sali 25 II UWr.
Promotorem Filipa jest Paweł Woźny, a recencje  napisali:
  • Lucia Romani (Uniwersytet Boloński) - pdf
  • Leszek Plaskota (Uniwersytet Warszawski) - pdf

 In summary, it is my opinion that this doctoral dissertation fully satisfies all the requirements to be judged an EXCELLENT doctoral thesis to be accepted unconditionally (i.e., without reserve). I’m also in favour to nominate this dissertation for receiving a distinction and, if the Scientific Council considers the dissertation eligible for a scientific prize, I will be pleased to support this decision. - Lucia Romani (Uniwersytet Boloński)

Filip Chudy