25 kwietnia 2023 11:47
Leszek Gąsieniec (University of Liverpool): Clocking Mechanisms and Synchronisation in Population Protocols with Applications, 25.04, 16:15, sala 25
Zachęcam do udziału w wykładzie prof. Leszka Gąsieńca z University of Liverpool, który w ramach programu przyjazdów profesorów wizytujących „Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza” (IDUB) wygłosi 25.04 o godz. 16:15 w sali 25 IIn UWr wykład
Clocking Mechanisms and Synchronisation in Population Protocols with Applications
The model of population protocols is used to study computational processes based on chaotic
pairwise interactions between ill-equipped anonymous agents belonging to a large population. After
an interaction, the states of the two agents are amended according to the predefined transition
function (the set of rules) which governs the considered computational process. While in search for
efficient solutions most of the randomised (distributed) algorithms strive for the modest utilisation of
randomness, the emphasis in population protocols is on the minimalistic use of states and the rules
to harness fully chaotic behaviour of the system. We will discuss several clocking mechanisms utilised
in population protocols which enable efficient solutions to leader election, majority computation, and
other challenging problems.