Jan. 21, 2025, 7:58 p.m.
Defense of Michał Stypułkowski's doctoral dissertation, "Journey through Time and Space: Selected Applications of Deep Learning Techniques for Speech, Video, and Point Cloud Modeling".
We invite you to the public defense of Michał Stypułkowski's doctoral dissertation Journey through Time and Space: Selected Applications of Deep Learning Techniques for Speech, Video, and Point Cloud Modeling, which will begin on Monday, January 27 at 2:30 PM in Room 25 of the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Wrocław.
The dissertation supervisors are:
- Piotr Wnuk-Lipiński, Prof. UWr,
- Maciej Zięba, Prof. PWr,
while the reviewers are:
- Prof. Jacek Mańdziuk (Warsaw University of Technology), review (pdf),
- Prof. Jerzy Stefanowski (Poznan University of Technology), review (pdf)
- Prof. Jacek Tabor (Jagiellonian University), review (pdf).